Wednesday 26 October 2016

Šniceli na bobice - berry beef shnitzelz

Ovo je odličan recept za jesen. Topal punog ukusa, I tamne boje. Ne odskače previše od hrvatskih nepaca ali ima neke novine...


smrzunto šumsko voće
svježe meso junetine izrezano u tanke fete količine od prilike pola kila za 2 odraslih ljudi
čaša crnog vina
bijeli luk
2 kapule
Karotu ili 2

Meso treba posoliti I frigati kratko na jakom ulju da uhvati smeđu boju, te odljevati stalno sok koji pušta meso u odvojenu teču.

U teču pofrigati na maslinovom ulju , lovor, generoznu količinu ružmarina, 2 kapule, 2 češnja bijelog luka, jednu isjeckanu crvenu papriku, isjeckane karote, I veliku šaku smrznutog bobičastog voća (borovince, maline, ribizl) te dodati sok koji ispušta meso. Kada svo povrće omekša, staviti meso koje je već dijelom frigano , u povrće, te zaliti sa dva deca crnog vina.

Mješavinu kuhati na lagano 2 sata dok sve ne omekša i saft zgusne. Alternativno sve se može staviti u vatrostalnu posudu te ostaviti da kuha u pečnici na 170 2 sata.

Okus je super. Poslužiti s prie kumpirom, palentom, rižom ili što već volite. :)

A great autumn/ winter recepie.

Fresh slices of raw beef, these must be aobut half a centimetre thick - not thicker than 1 centimetre, - about half a kilo serves 2 adults generously or 3 ..
a generous fist full of Frozen mixed berries
3 Bay leafs
generous amount of Rosemary
2 carotts
1 red pepper
glass of red vine

Fry the meat slices on hot oil, pouring away jucies produced into a large pan, the meat must brown on both sides and than be removed.
In the juices of the meat add olive oil, than fry the bay leafs, a handful of rosemary, chopped carrots, onions, berries, and peppers. When the veg softens, add the meat, and pour over the glass of vine ,than add a teas spoon of mustard. cover with hot water so that the meat does is beneath the water surface.
simmer for 2 hours on low heat- alternatively place all into a casarrole dish and bake on 170 for 2 hours.
Serve with mash potatoe,s palenta, rice.. Anything that will partialy soak the gravy of the schnitzels, and enjoy!

Friday 29 March 2013

Prawn and Sardine rizzoto. Sunći-city stye.

To make a prawn rizotto in the city it is not as simple as by the sea , as you lack the fresh ingridents when you want them. But its big friday, the day of eating fish so i thew an eye into the supermarket and as all fish had been grabbed from the shlefs by earley birds, today went with peeled and frozen Prawn tails with ambition to make a rizzotto.. It turned out delicious which is why i am ging to write it up here for the general good. Ingridients: I just made a rizzoto for 4 and used about 4 fistsfulls of peeled frozen prawns. You need a big old make your eyes cry onion. A whole bunch of parsley leaves. 5ish or more garick cloves, try not to get the pale supermarket imported from China ones as they lack flavour. To recoginse a chinease grown one its prefectley white and small and looks like a darf wader army clone. A more organic farm grown garlick is going to be missshapen, big fat, and each clove is lemon slice size and tinges of purple will stik out of its feathery cover. You need half a coffee mug of tomatoe pasata. A big old dollop of white vine, about a vine glass full, or a wee bit more. A tin of whole sardines in oil. A finger thick wedge of butter. A coffee mug and a half of rizzoto rice. Or pudding rice. ( never ever long grain in rizzoto) And where would we be witohut olive oil, salt and pepper. A mixer-blender-smootihe maker-liquifier will help speed things up, but if you have a psetle and mortar or just plain knife and board it will do too. To make. Get a lovley thick bottomed pan better if its wide for faster cooking but if all you have is a narrow one it will do. 1Splash olive oil about generousley and turn on to medium -high heat. 2 Chop up the onion in to squares and throw on to the heated oil letting it golden at the edges. 3 Into the blender throw in the parsley leaves, and the garlick cloves , pour in the vine and whizz up untill broken into greenish chunkey viney mush. 4 Add the fried onions to this mix and blitz once agian until the ingridients become a thick bitty liquid and than pour into the pan which is still on heat. 5 Add the tomatoe pasata and two coffe cups of water. 6 into the blender now throw in the sardines- making sure you have taken off any tails and spines, add a bit of vine or water and blitze into a very smooth liquid, pour this into the pot with the rest of the ingridients. 7 Throw in the prawns into the bubleing mixture and let simmer for 5-10 minutes until a lovley viney smell starts to evaporate. 8 Throw in the rice, making sure there is enough liquid to over lapp the rice, take the heat down to low, and stir in the rice as it cooks for about 20 minutes. 9 if the rice is not done, and the liquid has evaporated just add warmed water. 10 when the rice becomes all dente. almost done but still a wee bit hard. Throw in the butter dolop. Salt and pepper. Makins sure that there is still generous amount of soup in which the rice floats -at least 3 milimeters of soup covering the rice, take it off heat, and let the rizotto set,cool al little, and soak in all the juice. And there you go. Enjoy the flavoursome simple to make rizotto.

Monday 10 December 2012

dobre zimske lazanje od špinjače. ( i za vegeterijance)

Ovo je je vrlo uskusan i kalorični recept no svakako pun viramina i masnoća dobrih za prebroditi zimu i guštat se zavalit nakon obida. Za ričetu treba Za zeleno punjenje: Kilo friške špinjače ili blitve Pola kila posnog sira ( lets face it nema rikote ovde za kupit osim po cijeni kavijara a domaći sir je jednako dobar). Parmezana friško ribanog ili kesica. Za crveno punjenje: Dvije konzerve isjeckanih poma. Velika velika kapula ili 2-3 normalne. Petrsimul ulje- koje voliš. List lovora. Za bešamel: Pola masla od 250 grama. 2-3 žlice brašna Muškatni orašćić. Pola litre mljeka. I paket suhih listova laznje manistre, Prvo s obzorim da treba naduže za skuhati bacamo se na crveni sloj lazanja. Izreži kapulu na male kockice, i baci je u zagrijano ulje 6 žlica od prilike, da se frigaju dok ne omekšaju. Na kapulu baciti lovor, isjeckani petrsimul zatim dvije konzerve poma. Zavriti, te smanjiti vatru na nisko da ne izgori i mješati povremeno. Ova šalša kuhati če se odprilike 40 minuta dok primpremate ostatak. Za zeleni sloj, potopite frišku špinjaču u vodu. Na špakerZai stavite veliki lonac vode za uzavrije dobro posoljen. Zatim počmite čistiti špinjaču od korjenja. nije potrebno previše sječi peteljke i one su u potrebljive. Kada je špinjača bez blata, odvojena od korjenja bacite ju u kipuču vodu dok ne omekša.atim iscijedite špinjaču i ostavite ju da voda kapa iz nje neko vrijeme. Žlicom iscjedite svu vodu gnječeči zelenilo od cjedilicu. Zatim uzmite škare ili nož i isjeckajte špinjaću u što manje komadiće. Iscjeđenu i izrezanu špinjaću prebacite u zdjelu. Dodajte posni sir. Papar. Sol. Gratani parmezan. I dobro zamišajte da smjesa postane ravnomjerna. Okjusom možete vidjeti dali fali soli ili ne. Na špaker stavite teču-lonac s plitko vode da zavrije. Pripremite posudu za pečenje lazanja sa malo ulja na dnu. U ukipjelu vodu ubacite suhe listove lazanja tjestenine, prvo broj dovoljan da prekrije dno posude. Kada tjestenina samo malo omekšea-bitno je da se ne skuha do kraja već samo malo postane fleksibilna jer će se kuhati u sokovima tokom pečenja.Stavite listove manistre na dno posude. Zatim prolijte sa skuhanom šalšom. Te ponovite kuhanje maanistre iznova samo za broj potreban da se sljedeći sloj prekrije. Prekrijte šalšu sa tom malo kuhanom manistrom te zatim prelijte smjesu sira i špinjače preko površine. Staite opet kihati manistru zaa zadnji dio. I sada je vrijeme praviti bešamel. U malu tečicu bacite maslo i par žlica brašna. dodate generozno muškatnog orašćića. i žlicom mješajte rastapajuće maaslo pazeci da ne zagori. Kada je brašno maslo pstala jedna smjesa, ulijte mljeko te mješajte dok se smjesa ne zgusne. To prolijte preko lazanja . i stavite u pec na 170 30-40 minuta. mmmmmmmm a zatim vadite i z pečnice !

Tuesday 6 November 2012

walnut creme pasta sauce

This is one of those simple no mess, and truley delicious recepies. I first ate something like it and had my tastebuds delighted in the kensington rectory kitchen and well here is my copy and now a long favourite among home recepies. You need pasta. The recepie is really good with chease filled ravioli or even plain pasta such as penne. Set pasta to boil. And as you do get a smaller pot for the sauce. You will need cream. Minced Walnuts. Pamesan cheease grated. A glob of butter. A tea spoon of honney or sugar. Pepper or salt if needed ( but salt may not be needed due to parmezan) Pour in cream to heat add chease, wallnuts and rest of ingridients and stir with woden spoon unilt it simmers and thickens. Pour over hot buttered pasta. Eeat quick as the pasta suck up the sauce as it cools.

Sunday 28 October 2012

haloween lunch bake

Well this lunch is for those who want a bit of seasons colour and festivity without too mcuh effort and want a delicous tasting simple to make dinner. Ingridients: A fatty free range farm chicken. Sweet potatoes. Ordinary baking poratoes. Butter nut squash or orange pumpkin. 3 small ogniones Ognion- shalots. Zuchinni. rosemary. Bay leaf. To prepare. Lif up the chicken sking and insert a brach of rosemary on eacg chicken breast. Salt the meat and put in to a owen dish. Peel and dice the vegetables to differnet shapes. Potates long and chip like whilst wht sweet poatatoe perhaps keeping its rounded flat shapes, and keeping the ogliones whole. Throw all vegetables around the chichken, generousley sprnikely with slat and rosemary, as well as oilive oil. Set the owen to bake at 200 c and expect lunch by the ind of the hour in the coloures and delicous tastes of haloween.

Monday 16 April 2012

Mladen's Nona's zuchini balls

Mladen's Nona from the ilsnald Brač ,like all dalamatian nonas are queens of their kitchen, everything she makes is better than people younger than her make with the same ingridients. I guess it takes age to ripen into a propper cook.

Out of all her dishes here is a very simple one which drives us all crazy and make us battle for at the table. Everytime she puts the zuchini balls on the table the forks strike out in a race, and the cheeks are full of the soft zuchini balls until they are all gone, and the battle can end.








Grate the zuchinni with a cheese grater into a heap.

Salt the zuchini.

Put the salted zuchini into a tea cloth and try to squeaze out the water.

Than drop the zuchini into a bowl and break an egg into the bowl and mix well into the grated zuchinni.

In a little cooking pot heat up some sunflower oil and bring to boil.

In aonther bowl pour out some baking flour.

Than using a spoon take out a the zuchini mixture, drop it into the flour using the fingers coat the zuchini, well with flur than drop the mixture into the biling oil.

Fry the individual ball until it has become golden and slightley browned as this adds to the taste.

The zucchini can be eaten as a starter or a side dish to meat or fish!

Ben R's asparagus

Ben promised this is the simplest and most delicious of dishes, which he had just reecentley eaten in France.


You will need the fat cultivated white and green asparagus.

Sea salt- preferably, fleur-de sel,

And Devon butter or any good creamy creamy butter.


Boil up water into a pot, and drop the asparagus in until the tip is adequately wobbly.

You proceed to eat the asparagus by dipping the hot asparagus one by one into salt and butter and subsequently straight into the mouth.

This kind of dish can be great as a starter or a new age lady and the tramp meal to share between lovers who feed each other. --