Monday 16 April 2012

Mladen's Nona's zuchini balls

Mladen's Nona from the ilsnald Brač ,like all dalamatian nonas are queens of their kitchen, everything she makes is better than people younger than her make with the same ingridients. I guess it takes age to ripen into a propper cook.

Out of all her dishes here is a very simple one which drives us all crazy and make us battle for at the table. Everytime she puts the zuchini balls on the table the forks strike out in a race, and the cheeks are full of the soft zuchini balls until they are all gone, and the battle can end.








Grate the zuchinni with a cheese grater into a heap.

Salt the zuchini.

Put the salted zuchini into a tea cloth and try to squeaze out the water.

Than drop the zuchini into a bowl and break an egg into the bowl and mix well into the grated zuchinni.

In a little cooking pot heat up some sunflower oil and bring to boil.

In aonther bowl pour out some baking flour.

Than using a spoon take out a the zuchini mixture, drop it into the flour using the fingers coat the zuchini, well with flur than drop the mixture into the biling oil.

Fry the individual ball until it has become golden and slightley browned as this adds to the taste.

The zucchini can be eaten as a starter or a side dish to meat or fish!

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